New surveys and questionnaires module
A new questionnaire creation module has been added to Contipso LMS, which can be used both to measure learning satisfaction and to collect other information from a selected group of users.
Provide the same great learning experience for every goal and every team, whether they are your employees, customers or partners.
Reduce the time to create the course from 3-6 months to just a few hours.
You have the capacity for full control over the management of the student's interaction with each individual element of the training content
A powerful tool for creating tests with the ability to configure in detail, work with a question bank and the ability to create different types of questions
Defines not only what to include in the completion requirements, but also the required minimum score, percentage weight, etc.
You build content once and can use it to create multiple courses. When updating, you can choose whether the change is for all courses or for a specific one
Quickly and easily determine the connections between slides, questions, tests and assignments, thus managing the students' path through the content
We know you need a few simple steps like direct audio recording, trimming or merging. We tried to have all these features so that you do not have to look for additional programs
We are sure that you would like your courses to look professional, so we have created tools to turn you into a graphic designer
Quick audio dubbing with text and an ability to localize one and the same training in several languages
If you do not find the content you need at Contipso Market, you can post an offer and receive a proposals for its production from one of our collaborators
Manage all your files from one place, with the ability to provide access to them to other users of the system
Want to see how you can create your own interactive learning in minutes?
Not just content delivery, but also communication, social learning, video and audio connection, virtual board and many more opportunities to bring learning closer to that in the classroom.
Organizational structure and data
Automatic enrollment of trainings
Different types of courses
Social learning
Built-in virtual training room
Access from any device
All the important information for you on the home page. Specific information for each role.
At any time, students have up-to-date information on the elements required for completion (tests, questions, assignments and slides). The update is automatic and applies immediately after changes are made by the teacher
Content that interacts with the learner, for optimal transition through the learning content and increasing the motivation of learners
The whole evaluation process can be automated, but if you use open-ended questions we have made sure that this is to be done quickly and conveniently
Ability to evaluate projects with feedback, file attachments and detailed comments
Интегриран панел за съобщения и уведомления за всички курсове с възможност за филтри
- Be informed about all important events - from deadlines for tests and projects to periods for access to individual parts of the training content
Management of notifications for enrollment, deadlines and completion of courses - individually for each user or for the whole system
Facilitate your employees by allowing them direct access based on first login to another system
Building groups of courses with the opportunity to create a path for the learner through them
We will be happy to show you how Contipso Learning saves the time of the knowledge management teams
Take advantage of e-learning for automatic data collection and processing to avoid inefficient administrative activities and focus on information-based management decisions
Detailed summary statistics for the performance of the learners for each individual element of the training content
All the important information reaches users to ensure compliance with deadlines and excellent information
Information on the performance, activity and results of each learner in a detailed dossier available to his / her immediate supervisor
Information on completion with a focus on trainees or individual trainings. All performance data available in a personalized reporting tool for each manager
Tracking the activity and commitments of trainers, instructors and mentors for increased commitment and quick feedback to students
Creation and analysis of questionnaires, surveys and feedback forms both for training as well as for collecting and processing surveys and research
Detailed report on the time spent in training with the ability to filter by multiple parameters
Detailed history of user actions for each course and course element.
Ability to create manually configured reports and provide access to them to different roles and individual users.
The parameters of each of the above references can be saved. Upon subsequent call, the report loads the current data.
Have questions? Our experts are with you through every step on the way to help you achieve your learning goals and increase your chances of success.
Contipso LMS is a core part of the Contipso family, together with Contipso Author they are the key modules through which you can provide attractive and engaging training to your employees or trainees without being dependent on external vendors or additional software.
See how Contipso Learning increases team productivity while saving time and money
A new questionnaire creation module has been added to Contipso LMS, which can be used both to measure learning satisfaction and to collect other information from a selected group of users. Read more
Contipso LMS now allows each organization to create its own catalog of online training. The system allows setting up different payment methods and automatic issuing of invoices. Read more
The system administrator has the ability to hide and show each of the system blocks for the different role types. This way, a simplified interface for employees and gradual unlocking of options can be achieved. Read more